“Number 2. Turn left. Turn left.”
I pulled on my left parachute cord and started turning left.
“Too far.”
And that was the last I heard from him.
His job was to guide us down – via earpieces in our helmets – so we landed on the big X on the airfield. But the moment he realised I’d gone too far off course, he cut bait and left me to fend for myself.
I won’t go into the details, but I ended up missing the whole airfield and landing in a field full of highland cows.
So let’s say my first parachute jump wasn’t a great success.
No harm, no foul. I got a funny story out of it.
And, given 3 of the 13 students missed the airfield, it’s hard to take the failure too personally.
So what the hell does this have to do with venture capital?
There are VCs who, if you’re not growing fast enough, will lose interest in you. They’ve decided you’re never going to be anything special, so they divert their attention to better-performing investments.
So, as a founder/CEO, what can you do?
Well, if you still believe in the business – and believe it can grow to be something special – then you need a marketing plan that can get you back on track and growing fast.
Now, I’m not talking about “growth hacks” – because they tend to be about throwing ideas against the wall with unpredictable results.
I’m talking about marketing fundamentals that can produce triple-digit predictable growth.
Do such fundamentals exist?
Yes, and you can learn about them here:
All the best,
Steve Gibson